ERISA Watch with Elizabeth Hopkins
ERISA stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and governs most of our employee benefits. While this area of law may not seem as engrossing as other areas of law such as criminal law, the impact labor laws have on our lives are just as compelling and the stakes are just as high.
ERISA law blankets areas such as mental health, long-term disability, retirement accounts, life insurance, and more. ERISA watch will tell stories of individuals whose lives have been dramatically affected and show why ERISA law matters. Elizabeth Hopkins is a partner at Kantor & Kantor LLP and leads their Retirement Benefits team, is a highly regarded lawyer on ERISA class action lawsuits and is an expert analyst with Law360.
Enjoy hearing Elizabeth and her guests dig deep and discuss the behind-the-scenes stories on these important cases. Real talk about real legal cases!
ERISA Watch with Elizabeth Hopkins
Trust Me
This this episode of ERISA Watch, host Elizabeth Hopkins asks if insurance companies live up to the promise instilled through ERISA, or do they take advantage of the peculiarities of trust law to avoid paying benefits.
In a short origin story of the concept of trust, courts of equity, and chancery law, Elizabeth tells how the federal law of ERISA grew out of these historical and societal concepts.
To illustrate how these concepts that are governed by ERISA and state laws, Elizabeth has a conversation with Glenn Kantor, one of the nation's premier experts and ERISA litigators. Glenn shared a few stories that show how under ERISA, the insurance companies have been putting their thumbs on the scales of justice so that they and their shareholders profit, while individuals and their families go without benefits they deserve.
Can these things change? As Elizabeth says, history does show that change can and sometimes does happen to meet the needs of the times , and crusaders are often at the forefront of such change.
Please enjoy the episode, and look forward for #5 on July 2.